Owner's Manual

Chapter 5 Main panel window
Amp Editor Owner’s Manual
IP Address Mode
Displays the IP address setting mode that will be used for communication with Amp Editor.
UNIT ID (XMV only): IP address will use the UNIT ID value.
DHCP: IP address can be set automatically from Amp Editor or the DHCP server.
Manual: IP address will be set manually from Amp Editor.
To change the setting, use the “Network Setup” dialog box (page 91).
IP Address
Indicates the IP address. To change the IP address, use the “Network Setup” dialog box (page 91) or the
“IP Address” dialog box (page 84).
MAC Address
Indicates the MAC address.
IP Control Port No.
Indicates the Ethernet port number that will be used for remote control from an external remote controller
via the remote control protocol. If there is another device in the network that uses the same port number,
use the “IP Control Port No.” dialog box (page 85) to change the port number.
• The XMV will display the static address “49280”.