Owner's Manual

Chapter 5 Main panel window
Amp Editor Owner’s Manual
Scene Recall
Specifies whether scene recall operations performed from the TXn or ACD1 panel will be allowed
(Enable). This will not affect control from an external device such as Amp Editor, a GPI device, or a
remote controller.
EMG Scene Setup
Specifies the scene number of the scene that will be recalled when the TXn or ACD1 receives an EMG
(Emergency) signal from an external device. If you don’t want to specify a scene to be recalled, choose
Last Memory Resume
When the amplifier is powered-on, this specifies whether the amplifier will start up by recalling the state
in which it was last powered-off (ON), or will start up by recalling the scene of the scene number that had
been selected when the power was turned off (OFF).