Owner's Manual

Depending on how different each Scene is, a considerable
number of parameters may get changed simultaneously as
you do the cross-fade. As such, you have an enormous
palette of sound textures available which you can apply in
real-time as you play. Also, you can select KNOB
PARAMETER GROUP switches and turn the CONTROL
knobs to edit the data during the Scene Control. All
parameter changes when both [SCENE] switches are
activated take place in the Scene Control edit buffer.
As you morph between the two Scenes and turn the
CONTROL knobs, you may create a killer sound you
simply must save before risking losing it. Performing a
Scene Store operation lets you store it to one of the Scenes
right then and there.
During Scene Control, Control Matrix settings and some of the Switch parameters
(e.g., VCF Type, LFO Wave, VCO Wave, etc.) will not change. For these
parameters, the Scene 1 settings will remain in effect.
Scene Control In DUAL And SPLIT Modes
Depending on whether the Layer mode is set to DUAL or
SPLIT, the Scene Control will morph in different ways.
In DUAL mode, the Scene Control will morph from the Scene
1 sound to the Scene 2 sound.
In SPLIT mode, the Scene Control will morph from the Scene
1 sound to the Scene 2 sound when the keyboard is played
to the left of the Split Point only. When the keyboard is
played to the right of the Split Point, only the Scene 2 sound
will be played.
For more information about Layer modes, see page 22.
Layer mode = SPLIT
Scene Control
Edit Buffer
Scene 1
Scene 2
Layer mode = DUAL
Scene Control
Edit Buffer
Scene 1
Scene 2
Confirming Controller Assigned To Scene Control
You can confirm at any time which controller is assigned to
perform Scene Control. Simply press and hold both [SCENE]
switches, and the name of the currently assigned controller
will display in the LCD.
For information about assigning a controller for Scene Control, see page 95.
Scene Store Function
The Scene Store function lets you store the data in one Scene
Edit buffer to the other, or the data created during Scene
Control to either of the Scene edit buffers.
1. Hold [STORE] and press the [SCENE 1] or
[SCENE 2] switch, depending on which one
you want to store the current Scene setting
into. “SURE?[Y/N]” flashes in the LCD.
2. Press [YES/ENTER] to execute the Scene Store
operation, or [NO] to cancel it.
Since the Scene Store function stores the data to a Scene edit buffer, be sure to
execute a Voice Store operation before selecting another voice.