Owner's Manual

Assigning Parameters
To Knobs
You can assign one of many available Control Change
parameters to each knob. After pressing the [ASSIGN]
switch, these parameters will be available for edit in real-
time using the CONTROL knobs.
Knob assignments are made using the Control function
(Device and Control Number) parameters located in the
UTILITY SETUP menu. When you press [ASSIGN] and turn
a CONTROL knob, the MIDI Control Change data is sent
to both the internal tone generator as well as to MIDI
[OUT], where it can control external devices. The Control
function assignments are system parameter settings, which
means they will remain as set and be available regardless
of which voice is selected.
You can also assign various other parameters to the
knobs using the Control Matrix located in the VOICE
SCENE SETUP menu, which only affects parameters for
the internal tone generator (as well as incoming MIDI
messages). And since Control Matrix parameters are
voice settings, they are stored as voice data, which
means that each voice can have customized knob
assignments for each Scene!
For details on how to assign Control function parameters to the CONTROL knobs,
see page 95. For details on how to assign Control Matrix parameters to the
CONTROL knobs, see page 73.
For a list of available parameters which can be assigned to each CONTROL knob,
see the separate Data List book.
Step Sequencer Event Edit
If you set the [EDIT ROTARY] switch to the SEQ EDIT/SETUP
menu (position 5), or if you select a voice when the [EDIT
ROTARY] switch is already set there, no LED will be lit beside
a KNOB PARAMETER GROUP switch, and turning a
CONTROL knob will edit the selected event data of the
Sequencer step assigned to that knob.
When you turn a knob to edit an event, the step event name
and value (and step number) will automatically appear in the
LCD, and the knob data graph will track knob movements
accordingly. Also, if you simply press a knob (push-switch)
without turning it, the information will display in the LCD for
Pressing a KNOB PARAMETER GROUP switch will activate its
group of tone generator parameters (its LED will light), and
pressing the same switch again will return to Step Sequencer
edit status. Setting the [EDIT ROTARY] switch to another
position will also disengage Step Sequencer edit.
For more information about the Step Sequencer, see page 37.