Owner's Manual

The Fine (fine tune) setting determines the pitch of the
VCO1 in 1-cent steps over a range of 100 cents, or
one semitone. Turning the knob to the right raises the
pitch, while turning it to the left lowers the pitch. The
center position (value = 0) is the basic pitch.
Settings: -50 ~ 0 ~ +50 (cents)
The Edge setting adjusts the sharpness or smoothness
of the edge of the VCO1 wave. Turning the knob to the
right produces a sharper wave, resulting in a harsher
sound. Turning it to the left produces a rounder wave,
resulting in a softer sound. A value of “0” results in a
sine wave.
Settings: 0 ~ 127
Sharper wave Rounder wave Sine wave
PW (Pulse Width)
The PW setting determines the width of the VCO1
pulse wave. Turning the knob to the right produces
more harmonics, resulting in a fatter sound. In general,
pulse width is used to control the pulse wave; however,
the AN1x can use PW with other waves as well, for a
wider possible variety of sounds than usual.
When set to 64, the Pulse Width is equally balanced,
generating only odd-numbered harmonics.
Settings: 0 ~ 64 ~ 127 (0% ~ 50% ~ 99%)
PWM Depth (Pulse Width
Modulation Depth)
The PWM Depth setting determines the amount of
depth of the pulse width modulation of the VCO1,
based on the PWM Source wave (see next page).
Turning the knob to the right produces a deeper
Settings: -64 ~ +63
Basic Pulse Wave
(with only odd-
numbered harmonics)
More HarmonicsMore Harmonics
Pulse Width is
Pulse Width is
64 (50%)
Pulse Width is