Owner's Manual

selected, the eight CONTROL knobs will access specific
Voltage Controlled Filter-related parameters.
The VCF is a filter which permits a specific range of
frequencies to pass, while cutting off the rest, thus giving
you considerable control over many aspects of the timbre.
Available parameters include cutoff frequency range of the
VCF and range of the resonance.
The VCF can also be controlled by the attack time, decay
time, sustain level and release time of the FEG (Filter
Envelope Generator), which lets you shape how the timbre
of the voice changes over time, from when a key is
pressed, held, then released, and subsequently how long it
takes for the sound to terminate.
For more information about the VCF and FEG, see page 31.
The Attack setting determines the attack time of the
FEG, which is the time it takes for the signal to reach
its maximum cutoff frequency level after a key is
pressed (key on). Turning the knob to the right
produces a longer Attack time.
Settings: 0 ~ 127
The Decay setting determines the decay time of the
FEG, which is the time it takes for the signal to reach
its sustain level from the maximum level while a key is
held. Turning the knob to the right produces a longer
Decay time.
Settings: 0 ~ 127
The Sustain setting determines the level of sustain of the
FEG, which is the fixed level of the cutoff frequency
maintained as long as the key is held. Turning the knob
to the right increases the Sustain level.
Settings: 0 ~ 127
The Release setting determines the release time of the
FEG, which is the time it takes for the signal to reach a
level of “0” after a key is released (key off). Turning the
knob to the right increases the Release time.
Settings: 0 ~ 127
Key on Key off
Attack ReleaseDecay