User Manual

MIDI Data Format
1 28...58 Pich Down (PB Range -) -24(28)...+24(58) 3E(-2)
1 00...7F PEG Decay 0...127 0
1 00...7F PEG Depth -64...+63 semitones 40(+0)
1 01...03 PEG Switch VCO1(1),VCO2(2),both(3) 03(both)
1 00...01 Portamento Mode normal(0),sustain-key(1) *9 00(normal)
full-time(0),fingered(1) *10
1 00...7F Portamento Time 0...127 2C(44)
1 00...01 LFO Reset Mode off(0),key-on(1) 00(off)
1 00...14 LFO1 Wave sine(0)...offset-s/h2(14) 00(sine)
2 00...FF LFO1 Speed 1(0)...256(FF) 53(84)
1 00...7F LFO1 Delay 0...127 0
2 00...FF LFO2 Speed 1(0)...256(FF) 1F(32)
1 00...02 Sync Mode off(0),vco1 mastter to slave(1), vco2 to vco1(2) 0(off)
1 00...7F Sync Pitch -64...+63 40(+0)
1 00...7F Sync Pitch Depth -64...+63 40(+0)
1 00...04 Sync Pitch Source fixed(0),PEG(1),FEG(2),LFO1(3), 00(fixed)
1 01...03 Sync Pitch Mod Switch master(1),slave(2),both(3) 03(both)
1 00...7F FM Depth -64...+63 40(+0)
1 00...04 FM Source 1 fixed(0),PEG(1),FEG(2),LFO1(3), 00(fixed)
1 00...07 FM Source 2 VCO2 freq(0),VCO1(1),VCO1-sub(2), 00(VCO2 freq)
PEG(3),FEG(4),LFO1(5),LFO2(6),VCO2 output(7)
1 00...04 VCO1 Wave saw(0),pulse(1),saw2(2),mix(3) *11 00(saw)
00...06 VCO1 Wave saw(0),pulse(1),inner1(2), *12
1 00...7F VCO1 Pitch Coarse -64...+63 semitone 40(+0)
1 0E...72 VCO1 Pitch Fine -50...+50 cent 40(+0)
1 00...7F VCO1 Edge 0...127 64(100)
1 00...7F VCO1 Pulse Width 0%(0)...50%(40)...99%(7F) *15 40(50%)
00...7F VCO1 Mix 0...127 *16
1 00...7F VCO1 PWM Depth -64...+63 *15 40(+0)
00...7F Detune 0...127 *16
1 00...07 VCO1 PWM Source fixed(0),PEG(1),FEG(2), *15 04(LFO2)
2 01...FF VCO1 Pitch Mod Depth -127...+127 80(+0)
1 00...05 VCO2 Wave saw(0),pulse(1),saw2(2),mix(3) 00(saw)
1 00...7F VCO2 Pitch Coarse -64...+63 semitone 40(+0)
1 0E...72 VCO2 Pitch Fine -50(0E)...+50 cent(72) 40(+0)
1 00...7F VCO2 Edge 0...127 *17 7F(127)
1 00...7F VCO2 Pulse Width 0%(0)...50%(40)...99%(7F) *17 40(50%)
1 00...7F VCO2 PWM Depth -64...+63 *17 40(+0)
00...7F VCO2 X-MOD Depth -64...+63 *18
1 00...07 VCO2 PWM Source fixed(0),PEG(1),FEG(2), *17 04(LFO2)
00...04 VCO2 X-MOD Source fixed(0),PEG(1),FEG(2), *18
2 01...FF VCO2 Pitch Mod Depth -127...+127 80(+0)
1 00...7F Mixer VCO1 Level 0...127 7F(127)
1 00...7F Mixer VCO2 Level 0...127 0
1 00...7F Mixer Ring Mod Level 0...127 0
1 00...7F Mixer Noise Level 0...127 0
1 00...7F FilterEG Attack Time 0...127 0
1 00...7F FilterEG Decay Time 0...127 40(64)
1 00...7F FilterEG Sustain Level 0...127 7F(127)
1 00...7F FilterEG Release Time 0...127 55(85)
1 00...7F HPF Cutoff Freq 0(thru)...127 00(thru)
1 00...05 VCF Filter Type LPF-24dB(0),LFP-18dB(1), 00(LPF-24dB)
1 00...7F VCF Filter Cutoff 0...127 64(100)
1 0D...7F VCF Filter Resonance -12(0D)...0(19)...+102(7F) 19(+0)
2 00...FF FilterEG Depth -128...+127 A0(+32)
1 00...7F FillrEG Velocity Sens -64...+63 40(+0)
1 20...7F VCF Keyboard Track -32...+63 40(+0)
1 00...7F VCF Filter Mod Depth -64...+63 40(+0)
1 00...7F AmpEG Attack Time 0...127 0
1 00...7F AmpEG Decay Time 0...127 40(64)
1 00...7F AmpEG Sustain Level 0...127 7F(127)
1 00...7F AmpEG Release Time 0...127 24(36)
1 00...7F VCA Feedback Level 0...127 0
1 00...7F VCA Volume 0...127 69(105)
1 00...7F AmpEG Velocity Sens -64...+63 40(+0)
1 00...7F VCA Amp Mod Depth -64...+63 40(+0)
1 01...7F Gutitar Amp.Simulator Dry/Wet D63>W(1)...D=W(40)...D<W63(7F) 01(D63>W)
1 00... 00 Distortion Switch 0(off),1(on) 1(on)
1 00...72 Ctrl Matrix Source1 off(0)...Assign Knob8(72) *14,19 0(off)
1 00...2E Ctrl Matrix Param 1 off...PEG Attack(2E) *14 0(off)
1 00...7F Ctrl Matrix Depth 1 Depends on Ctrl Matrix Param *14 40(+0)
1 00...72 Ctrl Matrix Source2 off(0)...Assign Knob8(72) *14,19 0(off)
1 00...2E Ctrl Matrix Param 2 off...PEG Attack(2E) *14 0(off)
1 00...7F Ctrl Matrix Depth 2 Depends on Ctrl Matrix Param *14 40(+0)
1 00...72 Ctrl Matrix Source3 off(0)...Assign Knob8(72) *14,19 0(off)
1 00...2E Ctrl Matrix Param 3 off...PEG Attack(2E) *14 0(off)
1 00...7F Ctrl Matrix Depth 3 Depends on Ctrl Matrix Param *14 40(+0)
1 00...72 Ctrl Matrix Source4 off(0)...Assign Knob8(72) *14,19 0(off)
1 00...2E Ctrl Matrix Param 4 off...PEG Attack(2E) *14 0(off)
1 00...7F Ctrl Matrix Depth 4 Depends on Ctrl Matrix Param *14 40(+0)
1 00...72 Ctrl Matrix Source5 off(0)...Assign Knob8(72) *14,19 0(off)
1 00...2E Ctrl Matrix Param 5 off...PEG Attack(2E) *14 0(off)
1 00...7F Ctrl Matrix Depth 5 Depends on Ctrl Matrix Param *14 40(+0)
1 00...72 Ctrl Matrix Source6 off(0)...Assign Knob8(72) *14,19 0(off)