Operation Manual

This calls up the INPUT NAME pages for assigning an original
name to the created/edited Style. (See “Naming Your User
Style” on page 140.).
2 SECT (Section)
This determines the section that is to be recorded. You can
record five different sections for each User Style.
This determines the time signature for the new Style. Once this
is set and a section is recorded, it cannot be changed unless all
recorded sections are deleted. (To delete recorded sections, see
page 135.) (The “OTHER” setting can only be selected when
using data from disks that has time signatures other than the
available settings.)
Settings: 2/4, 3/4, 4/4, 5/4, OTHER
This determines the length (in measures) of the new Style. Once this is set and a part is
recorded, it cannot be changed unless all recorded parts are deleted. (To delete recorded
parts, see page 135.) (The “OTHER” setting can only be selected when using data from disks
that has measure lengths of nine or greater.)
Settings: 1 – 8, OTHER
5 METRO (Metronome)
This turns the Metronome on and off. (See step #3 below.).
3. If there are no other recorded parts, turn the metronome on.
From the display above, use the appropriate Data Control button to set METRO (Metronome)
to ON.
If you are recording a Style from scratch (and no parts have yet been recorded), you should turn
the metronome on as a rhythmic guide. Once other parts (especially rhythm) have been
recorded, you can turn this back off.
Once you’ve recorded (and
saved) one section of a User
Style, you will probably want to
use that section as a rhythmic
basis for other sections in that
Style, in order to get the best
musical results. To do this, first
assign the new User Style to one
of the dotted buttons (see page
143). Then, when you call up
the Accompaniment Program
function again for recording,
select that Style by pressing the
appropriate dotted button.
E-11a/Acc.Prog.* 8/21/97 10:13 PM ページ 130