Owner`s manual

Dynamics settings for chorus 1 and 2
(Compander Hard)
Dynamics settings for chorus 3: OFF
Channel 16: Lead vocal
The lead vocalist on this channel has a strong and rich
low-mid range, but in order to give the sound more
definition, we will set L-Mid to 236 Hz and cut it by
–5.0 dB. In addition, we will use a soft compander on
the lead vocal to cut the noise and apply compression
to emphasize the vocal strength and create a “hi-fi
EQ (ATT –14dB)
Dynamics settings (Compander Soft)
When adjusting the EQ or dynamics, you should also
adjust the fader level as appropriate. Since the level is
also affected when you adjust EQ or dynamics, you
will find it necessary to adjust it as well.
Saving the song
To save the song, press the WORK NAVIGATE section
[SONG] key to access the SONG screen. If necessary,
press the [F1] key to display the Song List page. Move
the cursor in the screen to “SAVE” and press the
[ENTER] key. When the confirmation message
appears, move the cursor to the “OK” button and
press the [ENTER] key. The song has now been saved.
Out Gain
Attack Release Width
–26 dB 2:1 –1.0 dB 0 ms 122 ms 8 dB
Q 0.11 10.0 1.2 H.SHELF
F 198 Hz 236 Hz 5.04 kHz 7.55 kHz
G 3.0 dB –5.0 dB 4.5 dB 4.0 dB
Out Gain
Attack Release Width
–23 dB 2.5:1 0 dB 26 ms 180 ms 4 dB