Owner`s manual

Transport/Locate operations
Operation section
Editing the location of a locate point
or marker
The location of the Start point, End point, A/B points,
In/Out points, or Markers can be edited if desired.
Press the [TRACK] key [F4] key.
The TRACK screen MARK Adj. page will appear.
The LOCATOR POSITION area in the upper part
of the screen shows the location of each cur-
rently-set locate point. The MARKER POSITION
area in the lower part of the screen lists the cur-
rently-set markers.
The numeric boxes will indicate “–” for locate points
that have not been set.
Move the cursor to the desired locate
The Start point and End point will always use time
code display, regardless of the currently selected
display method.
The numerical position of locate points other than
the Start point and End point will depend on the
currently selected counter display method (hours/
time code/measures).
Use the CURSOR [ ]/[ ] keys to select
the unit that you want to edit, and use the
[DATA/JOG] dial to edit the value.
If the counter is set to time display you can edit
“hours/minutes/seconds/milliseconds.” If it is set
to time code display you can edit “hours/min-
utes/seconds/frames/sub-frames.” If it is set to
measure display you can edit “measures/beats.
To adjust the location of a marker, move
the cursor to the numeric box in the left of
the MARKER POSITION area, and turn the
[DATA/JOG] dial to select the desired
marker number.
Use the CURSOR [ ]/[ ] keys to select
the unit that you want to edit, and use the
[DATA/JOG] dial to edit the value.
When editing the location of a marker, it is not possi-
ble to move the marker past the preceding or follow-
ing marker.
A point B point
Start point
In point Out point
End point