Owner`s manual

Editing tracks and virtual tracks
Operation section
Combine the multiple regions within the specified
part into a single region. Gaps between regions will
be converted to silent audio data.
Select the track containing the regions you want
to combine.
Specify the starting location of the part in which
regions will be combined.
Specify the ending location of the part in which
regions will be combined.
Execute the command.
Execution of the APPEND command will require more
processing time than the actual time length of the
data being processed. Also, it is not possible to cancel
the command while processing is occurring.
Convert the audio data of the specified part into a
WAV file, and write it to a CD-RW drive, external MO
drive, or other device.
Select the track from which you want to write a
WAV file. If you select a track 1–16 for this set-
ting, a monaural WAV file will be written from
the corresponding track (a stereo WAV files if the
track is paired) will be written. If you select “AL
(*), monaural WAV files for all tracks 1–16 (stereo
WAV files for paired tracks) will be written. How-
ever, tracks that do not contain a region will not
be written.
Specify the starting location of the part that will
be written as a WAV file.
Specify the ending location of the part that will
be written as a WAV file.
Switch to a screen where you can select the writ-
ing destination drive. In that screen, use the
DRIVE area to select the drive, move the cursor
to the EXIT button, and press the [ENTER] key to
return to the previous screen.
Access a NAME EDIT popup window to edit the
filename of the WAV file. (If you select “AL” as
the setting of the TRACK parameter, it will not be
possible to edit the filename.) Input the new file-
name, move the cursor to the OK button and
press the [ENTER] key to finalize it.
When writing 24 bit audio data to a WAV file,
you can select whether it will be written as 24 bit
data (24 bit) or whether the lower 8 bits will be
discarded, converting the data to 16 bit (16 bit).
Execute the command.
If you select “AL for the TRACK parameter, it will
not be possible to select CD-RW for the TO DRIVE
Execution of the EXPORT command will require
more processing time than the actual time length of
the data being processed. Also, it is not possible to
cancel the command while processing is occurring.
For details on using the EXPORT command, refer to
page 167.
With the exception of the EXPORT command of the
PART menu, the result of the operation can be
undone by pressing the [UNDO] key immediately
after execution.
When selecting the track for the TRACK/FR.TRACK/
TO TRACK parameters, you can also use the REC
TRACK SELECT [1]–[16] keys to specify the track
To specify a location for the START or END parame-
ter, you can use the [ ]/[ ] keys, [IN]/[OUT]
keys, [A]/[B] keys, [ ]/[ ] keys, or [RTZ] key
to assign the parameter to the location of the corre-
sponding marker or locate point.
1 2 3 4 A B C
1 2 3 4 A B C
1 2 3 4 A B C
1 2 3 4 A B C
Length of the WAV file that is actually written