Owner`s manual

Using automix
Operation section
Using automix
This chapter explains the functions and operation of Automix, which
automates realtime mixing operations.
About automix
What is automix?
On the AW2816, operations of mixing parameters can
be recorded in realtime, and then played back. This
capability is called “automix.” Scene recall opera-
tions, channel fader movements, and [ON] key opera-
tions etc. can be recorded in automix as the song
progresses, allowing the mixdown to be completely
The currently-operated automix is called the “current
automix.The contents of the current automix can be
stored in one of sixteen special memory areas, and
recalled at any time. Data for the sixteen automixes in
memory is saved on the hard disk as part of the cur-
rently-selected song (the “current song”).
What can be recorded in auto-
The following operations can be recorded in automix.
Fader operations of each channel (including
operations of the [RTN 1]/[RTN 2] controls)
AUX send operations of each channel
[ON] key operations of each channel
Pan operations of each channel
EQ operations of each channel
Scene memory and library recall operations
REMOTE screen fader 1–8 and [ON] key opera-
While the song plays back, the above operations can
be recorded on the automix in realtime, or you can
partially re-record specific operations by themselves.
When automix is stopped, you can also edit the tim-
ing and values of individual recorded data events.
How the automix is related to the
In general, automix operation is linked with the song.
When you play back the song, the automix will also
begin playing or recording, and when you stop the
song, the automix will also stop. Although it is possi-
ble to stop only the automix while the song is playing,
it is not possible to record or play back the automix
while the song is stopped.
Automix always begins at the Start Point of the song
(the absolute time zero location). For this reason if you
change the start point, the starting location of automix
will change accordingly. If you want to change the
start point, you should make this change before you
record the automix.
Be aware that if you change the start point, automix
cannot be recorded in the area earlier than the start
point (absolute time zero).
00:00:00:00.00 00:00:05:00.00
00:00:00:000 00:00:05:000
Start point = 00:00:00:00.00
Start point = 00:00:05:00.00
00:00:00:00.00 00:00:05:00.00
00:00:05:000 00:00:00:000
Time display
Time code
display (ABS)
Time display
Time code
display (ABS)