Owner`s manual

Managing songs
Operation section
Importing mixer data from an existing song
On the AW2816, settings such as the scene or library
data (referred to as “mixer data”) of an existing song
can be imported (loaded) into the current song. For
example this is convenient when an existing song
contains an original effect library that you want to
reuse in the current song.
Be aware that when you execute the Mixer Data
Import operation, the corresponding mixer data in
the import destination song (current song) will be
erased, and replaced by the contents of the import
Mixer data for libraries includes all channel, EQ,
dynamics, and effect libraries.
Load the import destination song as the
current song.
Press the [SONG] key/[F3] key.
The SONG screen/Song Edit page will appear.
The upper part of the screen will list the songs
currently saved in the internal hard disk. The cur-
rent song is highlighted in the list.
Move the cursor to the list in the upper
part of the display.
Use the [DATA/JOG] dial to select the
import source song, and press the [ENTER]
key to assign an E symbol in the left side
of the list.
Each time you press the [ENTER] key, the “E”
symbol will appear or disappear.
It is not possible to select the current song or multiple
songs as the import source. If you attempt to execute
Import in such a state, an error message will appear.
Move the cursor to the MIXER IMP button
and press the [ENTER] key.
The following MIXER DATA IMPORT popup win-
dow will appear.
Turn on the button(s) for the mixer data
that you want to import. (Multiple buttons
may be selected.)
Each button corresponds to the following data.
SCENE MEM. button .... Scene memory data
AUTOMIX button......... Automix memory data
TEMPO MAP button .... Tempo map settings
LIBRARY button........... Library data (channel,
EQ, dynamics, effect)
MIDI REMOTE button.. Settings of the
REMOTE screen
To execute the Import operation, move the
cursor to the OK button and press the
[ENTER] key.
To cancel the Import operation, move the cursor
to the CANCEL button and press the [ENTER]