Owner`s manual

Operation section
Remotely controlling an external MIDI device
This section explains the “MIDI Remote” function that
lets you use faders 1–8 and [ON] keys 1–8 to control
an external device.
About the MIDI Remote function
The AW2816 lets you assign a desired MIDI message
to each fader 1–8 and [ON] key 1–8, and transmit the
assigned MIDI messages by operating the faders and
[ON] keys. This is called the “MIDI Remote” function.
The following types of message can be assigned to the
faders and [ON] keys.
MIDI messages that can be
assigned to faders
MIDI messages with a value that changes in a range of
0–127 can be assigned to a fader. For example if you
assign control change #7 (volume) to a fader, and
make settings so that the control change value
changes in the range of 0–127, you will be able to use
fader movements to control the volume of a MIDI
tone generator in a range of 0–127.
MIDI messages that can be
assigned to [ON] keys
MIDI messages with a value that switches between 0
and 127 can be assigned to an [ON] key. For example
if you assign control change #64 (Hold) to an [ON]
key, and make settings so that the [ON] key switches
between values of 0 and 127, a control change mes-
sage of #64 with a value of 127 (Hold On) will be
transmitted when you turn the [ON] key on (lit), and
the same message with a value of 0 (Hold Off) will be
transmitted when you turn the [ON] key off (dark).
You can also make settings so that a MIDI message
with a fixed value is transmitted only when the [ON]
key is turned on (lit). For example you can assign a
program change #1 message so that the correspond-
ing program change message will be transmitted each
time the [ON] key is switched on.
Control change number 7
Value= 127
Value= 0
Control change
number 64
Control change
number 64
Transmitted Transmitted
Program change
number 1
Program change
number 1
Transmitted Transmitted