Owner`s manual

Operation section
Make sure that the REMOTE A button is
displayed as ENABLE, and operate [ON]
key 1.
As [ON] key 1 is turned on/off, a Hold On/Off
MIDI message will be transmitted from the MIDI
OUT connector.
If desired, your operations of [ON] key 1 can be
recorded in the automix.
You can also change the function of an [ON] key so
that it switches on/off each time you press the key.
For details refer to the explanation of the LATCH/
UNLATCH button on page 315.
If you want to name the [ON] key to which
the MIDI message was assigned, move the
cursor to the NAME EDIT button in the
upper line of the display, and press the
[ENTER] key.
The NAME EDIT popup window will appear.
Use the character palette to input the
desired name. Then move the cursor to the
OK button and press the [ENTER] key.
For details on inputting characters, refer to
page 37.
The name that you input will be displayed below
buttons 1–8 in the lower part of the display.
The edited contents of the Remote A–D pages are
saved as part of the song.