Owner`s manual

Reference section
CD screen
SIZE..................... This indicates the data size of
the stereo track. The total
data size is shown in the
TOTAL line (7).
COPY .................. This indicates whether copy
protection is enabled. Tracks
for which you have pressed
COPYRIGHT button (K) to
prohibit digital copying will
be indicated by a symbol
(i.e., copy protection
The track list will display only the stereo tracks of
songs with a sampling frequency of 44.1 kHz. Stereo
tracks within songs whose sampling frequency is
48 kHz will not be displayed.
A stereo track that has just been recorded will not be
displayed in the track list until you save the current
song. If you want to write the stereo track of the cur-
rent song to a CD, you must first save the current
If you select the stereo track of a 24 bit (44.1 kHz)
song, the lower 8 bits will be discarded during mas-
tering, converting it to 16 bit (44.1 kHz) data.
If the CD-RW drive contains CD-R media with data
that was recorded using Track At Once, the SONG
NAME/SIZE/COPY area will indicate “---EXISTING---”.
G Total
This indicates the total of the SIZE column of the
track list. A total of approximately 650 Mbytes can
be written onto a 74 minute CD-R/RW disc.
H NEW button
This button adds a new track to the end of the
track list.
I INS (Insert) button
This button inserts a new track before the track
number that is currently selected in the list.
J DEL (Delete) button
This button deletes the currently selected track
from the track list.
This button switches the copy protect setting for
the track currently selected in the track list. Move
the cursor to this button and press the [ENTER] key
to switch between the following two button dis-
PROHIBIT ........... Prohibit digital copying of the
track (Copy Protect enabled).
PERMIT ............... Permit digital copying of the
track (Copy Protect disabled).
L EXECUTE button
This button executes writing (mastering) to the
CD-R/RW media.
Before you begin actually writing, it is also possible
to check whether errors will occur while the data is
transmitted (Test Writing function). This setting is
made in the UTILITY screen Prefer.3 page (
For details on the procedure for writing an audio CD,
refer to page 179.
Additional functions in the CD Write
In the CD Write page you can press the [SHIFT] key to
assign the following functions to the [F1][F5] keys.
[F1] (CD LOAD) key
Close the tray of the CD-RW drive and load the
[F2] (CD UNLOAD) key
Open the tray of the CD-RW drive.
[F3] (NEW) key
Add a new track to the end of the track list (6).
This is the same function as the NEW button (8).
[F4] (INS) key
Insert a new track after the track number currently
selected in the track list (6). This is the same func-
tion as the INS button (9).
[F5] (DEL) key
Delete the track that is currently selected in the
track list (6). This is the same function as the DEL
button (J).