Owner`s manual

Reference section
QUICK REC screen
Quick Rec page
Visually patch input sources to tracks
While viewing the patch status on the
screen, you can assign eight input
sources directly to tracks 116.
Key operation
Screen functions
A MIX. CH (Mixer Channels)
This area displays the input sources assigned to
input channels 18. The (jack) symbol dis-
played at the right of this area indicates the direct
output of each channel.
If you move the cursor to the jack symbol and
press the [ENTER] key, the input channel for that
row will be highlighted, indicating that it is
selected for operations. If you move the cursor to a
selected channel and press the [ENTER] key once
again, the selection will be defeated.
Move the cursor to the numerical value box for
each input channel, and turn the [DATA/JOG] dial
to select the input source from the following.
AD 1AD 8.......... INPUT jacks 18
SLT-1SLT-8.......... INPUT 18 of an I/O card
(OPTION I/O slot)
DIN L/DIN R....... L or R channel of the DIGI-
MET..................... Internal metronome
B Patch cable
Virtual patch cables indicate how the direct out-
puts of input channels 18 (the MIX. CH area) are
connected to recorder inputs 116 (the REC. TR
To connect a patch cable, move the cursor to the
jack in the MIX.CH area and press the [ENTER]
key, and then move the cursor to a REC.TR jack
and press the [ENTER] key. (Performing these steps
in reverse order will produce the same result.)
To cancel an individual patch cable, use the
CLEAR button (4). To cancel all patch cables, use
the ALL CLEAR button (5).
It is possible to connect a single input channel to
multiple tracks. However, it is not possible to con-
nect multiple input channels to a single track.
A maximum of eight patch cables can be connected.
If all eight have been connected, it will not be possi-
ble to change any connections unless you cancel one
of the cables.
The patching that you specify in the Quick Rec page
will take effect only when you use the EXECUTE but-
ton (
C CURRENT button
D FLAT button
Use these two buttons to specify whether the set-
tings of the corresponding input channels will be
initialized when Quick Rec is executed.
If the CURRENT button is on (highlighted), execut-
ing Quick Rec will not change the input channel
settings; only the patching will change.
If the FLAT button is on, executing Quick Rec will
recall channel library 01 to input channels to
which a patch cable is connected, initializing the
mix parameters.
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