Owner`s manual

Reference section
Solo Setup page
Settings for the Solo function
Here you can make various settings for
the Solo function.
Key operation
[SETUP] key
[F5] (Solo Setup) key
Repeatedly press the [SETUP] key
until the screen shown at the right
Screen functions
Use the following two buttons to select the operat-
ing mode in which the Solo function will be used.
When this button is on, the solo signal will be
routed through the dedicated SOLO bus and out-
put from the MONITOR OUT jacks/PHONES jack.
(It will not affect the signals sent to the stereo bus
or to buses 18.) You will also be able to monitor
channels that are not assigned to the stereo bus or
to buses 18.
This mode is convenient when you want to moni-
tor an input source during recording without
affecting the signals sent to the stereo bus or buses
When this button is on, the solo signal will be
routed through the stereo bus and output from the
MONITOR OUT jacks/PHONES jack. When the
Solo function is turned on, only the soloed chan-
nel will be sent to the stereo bus, and other chan-
nels will be muted. For this reason, it is not
possible to monitor channels that are not assigned
to the stereo bus.
This mode is convenient when you want to solo a
specic channel during mixdown.
When the RECORDING SOLO button is turned on
in the STATUS area (1), you can use the following
two buttons to select the location from which the
signal will be sent from each channel to the SOLO
PRE FADER button
When this button is on, the signal from immedi-
ately before the fader will be sent to the SOLO
bus. Since the pan setting of each channel will
have no effect, the signal being monitored from
the MONITOR OUTPUT jacks/PHONES jack will
be monaural.
AFTER PAN button
When this button is on, the signal that has passed
through the fader and pan will be sent to the
SOLO bus. The fader and pan settings will affect
the signal that is monitored in the MONITOR OUT
jacks/PHONES jack.
C SEL MODE (Select Mode)
When the Solo function is on ([SOLO] key lit), you
can use the following two buttons to choose how
the monitor signal will be selected.
LAST SOLO button
When this button is on, only the channel whose
[ON] key was pressed last will be monitored.
MIX SOLO button
When this button is on, you can use the [ON] keys
to select two or more channels for monitoring.
1 2 3 4
SETUP screen