Owner`s manual

Reference section
MIDI Setup 2 page
Basic MIDI settings (2)
Select the port used for MIDI transmis-
sion/reception, and select the synchro-
nization messages that will be output
from the MIDI OUT connector/TO
HOST connector.
Key operation
[MIDI] key [F2] (MIDI Setup 2) key
Repeatedly press the [MIDI] key until
the screen shown at right appears.
Screen functions
A MIDI CLK ON/OFF (MIDI clock on/off)
This is an on/off switch for the MIDI clock that is
sent to the MIDI OUT connector/TO HOST con-
nector. When you move the cursor to this button
and press the [ENTER] key, the setting will alter-
nate between on/off. When this is on, MIDI clock
will be transmitted from the MIDI OUT connector/
TO HOST connector according to the MIDI/HOST
setting (3). In order to transmit MIDI Clock from
the MIDI OUT connector, the OUT/THRU switch
(4) must be set to OUT.
B MTC ON/OFF switch
This is an on/off switch for the MTC messages sent
to the MIDI OUT connector/TO HOST connector.
When you move the cursor to this graphic and
press the [ENTER] key, the setting will be switched
on/off. If this is on, MTC will be transmitted to the
MIDI OUT connector or TO HOST connector
according to the MIDI/HOST (3) setting. In order
to transmit MTC from the MIDI OUT connector,
the OUT/THRU switch (4) must be set to OUT.
Regardless of this setting, MTC will always be transmit-
ted from the MTC OUT connector.
C MIDI/HOST switch
This selects the port that will transmit and receive MIDI
messages. When you move the cursor to this graphic
and press the [ENTER] key, the setting will alternate
between MIDI (use the MIDI IN/MIDI OUT connec-
tors) and HOST (use the TO HOST connector).
Regardless of which is selected, receiving a MIDI mes-
sage will cause “MIDI” to be displayed below the CPU
“IN” area.
D OUT/THRU switch
This selects the function of the MIDI OUT/THRU
connector. When you move the cursor to this
screen and press the [ENTER] key, the setting will
alternate between THRU (MIDI messages
received at the MIDI IN connector will be re-trans-
mitted without change) and OUT (MIDI messages
generated within the AW2816 will be transmitted).
If this is set to “THRU, none of the MIDI messages
generated within the AW2816 (MIDI Clock, MMC,
program change, etc.) will be transmitted.
In this page, signal routes over which MIDI messages
flow are shown as solid lines ( | ), and signal routes
over which MIDI messages do not flow are shown as
hollow lines ( || ).
This sets the transmission speed of the TO HOST
connector, as appropriate for the computer you
are using. Move the cursor to the TO HOST con-
nector and turn the [DATA/JOG] dial to select one
of the following transmission speeds.
*1 Select PC1 or PC2 according to the driver you are
*2 Only for models that provide a modem/printer
port. On the software you are using, set the clock
to 1 MHz.
Setting Platform Speed
NEC PC-9800/9821 series
31.25 kbps
IBM PC compatible, NEC
PC-9800/9821 series
38.4 kbps
MAC Apple Macintosh series
31.25 kbps
MIDI screen