Owner`s manual

Reference section
F I (Input monitor)
This column indicates the type of signal monitored
by tracks 116. This will indicate
when moni-
toring the track playback, and “” when monitor-
ing the signal sent to the input of the track (input
source). The type of signal being monitored will
change depending on the settings of the INPUT
MONITOR column (9), the state of the REC
TRACK SELECT [1][16] keys, and the current run-
ning mode.
G Track view
The regions (continuous audio data recorded in a
single operation) included in each track are dis-
played as bar graphs in this area. The vertical line
in this area indicates the current location. The
symbols displayed at the bottom of the frame indi-
cate locate points or markers that have been set in
those locations. The following types of symbols are
S.......................... Start point
E.......................... End point
I........................... In point
O......................... Out point
A ......................... A point
B.......................... B point
199.................... Markers 199
R.......................... Relative time zero location
The “R” symbol that indicates the relative time zero
location will be displayed only if relative time is
selected as the counter display method. Relative time
can be selected in the METER screen/Meter 2 page.
When you move the cursor to this button and
press the [ENTER] key, muting will be turned off
for all tracks.
Tracks that have been muted due to limitations in the
number of simultaneously playable tracks cannot be
unmuted unless you reduce the number of record-
ready tracks, or mute other tracks.
This selects the input monitor mode (the way in
which input monitor will be switches for each
track). This is the same function as the INPUT
MONITOR area of the METER screen. For details
refer to page 351.
J Current position
The vertical line in this box indicates the approxi-
mate current location between the start and end
points of the song. The small symbols below the
box indicate the approximate location of the
locate points and markers.
K METRO. (Metronome)
This area turns the metronome on/off (the ON/OFF
button) and adjusts the volume of the metronome
(the knob). When you turn on the internal metro-
nome and raise the volume, the metronome sound
will be output from the MONITOR OUT/PHONES
jacks during song playback or recording.
The tempo and time signature of the metronome are
specified in the SONG screen Tempo Map page.
If necessary, you can select the output signal of the
internal metronome (MET) as an input source for
input channels 1–8. Assignments to input channels
are made in the PATCH screen/Patch IN page.
If the internal metronome is selected as an input
source for an input channel, the metronome output
will be sent to the corresponding input channel with-
out regard to the settings of the ON/OFF button or
volume knob in the METRO. area.
Additional functions in the TR View
In the TR View page you can press the [SHIFT] key to
assign the following additional functions to the [F1]
[F4] keys.
[F1] (REMAIN) key
Displays the remaining available recording time
(hours: minutes) in the counter located in the
upper part of the screen. Hold down the [SHIFT]
key and press the [F1] key once again to return to
the normal counter display.
The remaining recordable time will differ depending
on the number of tracks that are currently in record-
ready mode. For example if you increase the number
of tracks in record-ready mode from one track to two
tracks, the remaining recordable time will be halved.
[F2] (WAVE) key
Displays the audio of the desired track as a wave-
form. This is convenient when you want to set a
locate pointer or marker while viewing the wave-
[F3] (X-ZOOM IN) key
Each time you press the [SHIFT] key + [F3] (X-
ZOOM IN) key, the track view 7 will zoom-in
horizontally (four levels).
[F4] (X-ZOOM OUT) key
Each time you press the [SHIFT] key + [F4] (X-
ZOOM OUT) key, the track view 7 will zoom-out
horizontally (four levels).
TRACK screen