Owner`s manual

MIDI data format
< Reception >
This message is received if the AW2816 is operating as
an MMC Slave and the device number matches or is 7F.
MMC-related internal settings will be reset to the power-
on state.
STATUS 11110000 F0 System Exclusive Message
ID No. 01111111 7F Real Time System Exclusive
Device ID 0ddddddd dd Destination (00-7E, 7F:all
Command 00000110 06 Machine Control Com-
mand(mcc) sub-id
00001101 0D Reset
EOX 11110111 F7 End Of Exclusive MMC WRITE
< Reception >
This message is received if the AW2816 is operating as
an MMC Slave and the device number matches or is 7F.
Data will be written into the specied information eld.
STATUS 11110000 F0 System Exclusive Message
ID No. 01111111 7F Real Time System Exclusive
Device ID 0ddddddd dd Destination (00-7E, 7F:all
Command 00000110 06 Machine Control Com-
mand(mcc) sub-id
01000000 40 Write
0ccccccc cc Byte Count
0nnnnnnn nn Writeable Information
Field name
0ddddddd dd Format defined by the
Information Filed name
: :
0nnnnnnn nn More nn dd... pairs as
EOX 11110111 F7 End Of Exclusive MMC INFORMATION FIELD - TRACK
< Reception >
This message is received if the AW2816 is operating as
an MMC Slave and the device number matches. REC
SELECT will be switched on/off for the recorder tracks as
specied by the Standard Track Bitmap data.
01001111 4F Track Record Ready (Infor-
mation Field name)
0nnnnnnn nn Data Length (0:all track
off, 3:record track on)
0aaaaaaa aa 1-2tr rec track On(Stan-
dard Track Bitmap)
0bbbbbbb bb 3-9tr rec track On
0ccccccc cc 10-16tr rec track On MMC LOCATE(TARGET)
< Transmission >
This message is transmitted with a device number of 7F
when a locate-related key such as MARK SEARCH/IN/
OUT is pressed, a FF/REW/shuttle operation is per-
formed, when the transport returns to the auto-punch
pre-roll point, or when repeating.
< Reception >
This message is received if the AW2816 is operating as
an MMC Slave and the device number matches. The
transport will locate to the time code position specied
within the command data.
STATUS 11110000 F0 System Exclusive Message
ID No. 01111111 7F Real Time System Exclusive
Device ID 0ddddddd dd Destination (00-7E, 7F:all
Command 00000110 06 Machine Control Com-
mand(mcc) sub-id
01000100 44 Locate
00000110 06 byte count
00000001 01 "target" sub command
0hhhhhhh hh hour (Standard Time Code)
0mmmmmmm mm minute
0sssssss ss second
0fffffff ff frame
0sssssss ss sub-frame
EOX 11110111 F7 End Of Exclusive
4.13.2 Bulk Dump & Request
This message inputs/outputs the contents of various inter-
nal memories.
The unique header is used to distinguish whether the
data belongs to the AW2816.
The check sum is calculated by adding the bytes starting
after BYTE COUNT (LOW) and ending before CHECK
SUM, then inverting the bits and adding 1 (binary com-
plement), and setting bit 7 to 0.
CHECK SUM = ( -sum) & 0x7F
< Reception >
This message is received if [Bulk RX] is on, and the [Rx
CH] matches the MIDI channel included in the Sub Sta-
When a bulk dump is received, it is immediately written
into the specied memory.
When a bulk dump request is received, a bulk dump will
be transmitted immediately.
< Transmission >
Bulk Dump messages are transmitted on the [Tx CH] in
response to key operations in the [MIDI BULK] screen.
Bulk Dump messages are transmitted on the [Rx CH] in
response to Bulk Dump Request messages. Scene Memory Bulk Dump Format
STATUS 11110000 F0 System Exclusive Message
ID No. 01000011 43 Manufacturer's ID
SUB STATUS 0000nnnn 0n n=0-15(MIDI Channel No.1-
FORMAT No. 01111110 7E Universal Bulk Dump
(HIGH) 00010110 16 2837(2827+10)bytes
(LOW) 00010101 15
01001100 4C 'L'
01001101 4D 'M'
00100000 20 ' '
00100000 20 ' '
00111000 38 '8'
01000011 43 'C'
00110011 33 '3'
00110110 36 '6'
DATA NAME 01001101 4D 'M'
0mmmmmmm mm m=0-96,127(Scene Memory
No.0-96, edit buffer)
Receive is effective No.1-
DATA 0ddddddd ds Scene Memory(33+(1361*2)
: :
0ddddddd de
CHECK SUM 0eeeeeee ee ee=(INVERT('L'+'M'+...+ds
+...+de)+1) AND 7Fh
EOX 11110111 F7 End Of Exclusive
The rst 33 bytes are ID + Protect + Title, and are 7 bit.
The subsequent 1363 bytes are all divided into 4 bit