User Guide

Editing tracks and virtual tracks
Operation section
Editing the audio data of tracks 116
This section explains how to use the TR Edit page to
edit the audio of tracks 1–16 in units of entire tracks,
or in units of individual parts or regions.
Editing entire Tracks
Press the [EDIT] key [F1] (TR Edit) key.
The EDIT screen TR Edit page will appear. In this
page, your editing operations will affect the vir-
tual tracks that are selected for each track 1–16.
This page shows the following information.
1 Track numbers
These are the track numbers 1–16.
B Pairing
This column indicates the pairing status of adja-
cent odd-numbered even-numbered tracks.
Pairing can also be enabled/disabled from this
If you use an editing command to edit in track units,
two paired tracks will generally be processed simulta-
neously by one command. It is convenient to pair two
tracks that were used to record a stereo source.
C Track names
These are the names assigned to each virtual
D Track view
For each track, this area displays a bar graph to
indicate the presence of audio data. Vertical lines
within this area indicate the specified range of
editing. The symbols displayed below this area
indicate locate points and markers that have
been set in the corresponding locations.
These buttons let you select commands for edit-
ing entire tracks, or individual parts or regions.
Move the cursor to the desired menu and press
the [ENTER] key to display a list of the com-
mands for that menu.
F Parameter settings
This area displays the parameters needed to exe-
cute the editing command. The type of parame-
ters displayed here will differ depending on the
currently selected editing command.
All transport operations are disabled when the EDIT
menu is displayed.
Move the cursor to the TRACK menu, and
press the [ENTER] key.
The editing commands in the TRACK menu will
be listed.
If you move the cursor to the TRACK menu displayed
at the top of the list and press the [ENTER] key, you
will return to the previous menu.
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