User Guide

Scene memory operations
Operation section
Storing a scene
You can assign a name to the current settings and
store them in scene memory. A scene can be stored
either by operations in the screen, or by operating the
keys of the top panel.
Storing a scene by operations in
the screen
Press the [SCENE] key [F1] key.
The SCENE screen/Scene Mem page will appear,
in which you can manage scene memories.
Use the [DATA/JOG] dial to select the store
destination scene number (0196).
The row enclosed by the dotted line is the cur-
rently selected scene.
The scene number can also be selected by using the
[ ]/[ ] keys of the SCENE MEMORY section.
Scene number 00 is recall-only. It is not possible to
store to this number.
Move the cursor to the STORE button, and
press the [ENTER] key.
The TITLE EDIT popup window will appear,
allowing you to input the scene name.
As necessary, use the character palette to
input a scene name.
For details on inputting characters, refer to
page 37.
To store the scene, move the cursor to the
OK button and press the [ENTER] key.
To cancel without storing, move the cursor to the
CANCEL button and press the [ENTER] key.
If you store to a number in which a scene has already
been stored, the previous scene will be erased.
It is also possible to store the scene directly, without
inputting the scene name. To do this, access the
UTILITY screen/Prefer.1 page ([UTILITY] key
key), and turn the STORE CONFIRMATION setting
You can protect a scene number to prevent it from
being accidentally erased (
Storing a scene by key operations
Use the SCENE MEMORY section [ ]/[ ]
keys to select the store destination scene
The currently selected scene number will be dis-
played in the SCENE area in the upper part of the
Press the [STORE] key.
The TITLE EDIT popup window will appear,
allowing you to input the scene name.
As necessary, use the character palette to
input a scene name.
To store the scene, move the cursor to the
OK button and press the [ENTER] key.