User Guide

Scene memory operations
Operation section
Recalling a scene
Here’s how you can recall a scene from scene mem-
ory. The recall operation can be performed from the
screen or by using the keys of the top panel.
When you recall a scene, the current scene will be
discarded. If you will want to reuse the current scene
later, store it in scene memory before recalling
another scene.
Recalling a scene by operations
in the screen
Press the [SCENE] key [F1] key.
The SCENE screen/Scene Mem page will appear.
Use the [DATA/JOG] dial to select the scene
number that you want to recall.
The row enclosed by the dotted line is the cur-
rently selected scene number.
Move the cursor to the RECALL button and
press the [ENTER] key.
A popup window will ask you to confirm the
scene recall operation.
You can also execute the recall operation directly,
without displaying this popup window. To do this,
access the UTILITY screen/Prefer.1 page ([UTILITY]
[F2] key), and turn the RECALL CONFIRMA-
TION setting OFF.
To execute the recall, move the cursor to
the OK button and press the [ENTER] key.
To cancel without recalling, move the cursor to
the CANCEL button and press the [ENTER] key.
The time (fade time) over which the faders reach
their new locations when a scene is recalled can be
adjusted. To do this, access the SCENE screen/Fade
Time page ([SCENE] key
[F2] key), and set the
fade time for each fader (
If necessary, you can exclude specific faders from
recall operations. These settings are made in the
SCENE screen/RCL.Safe page ([SCENE] key
key) (
Recalling a scene by key opera-
Use the SCENE MEMORY section [ ]/[ ]
keys to select the scene number that you
want to recall.
The SCENE area will display the currently
selected scene number. If a scene number other
than the current scene is selected, the scene
number will blink.
Press the [RECALL] key.
A popup window will appear, asking you to con-
firm the recall operation.
To execute the recall, move the cursor to
the OK button and press the [ENTER] key.
The scene of the selected scene number will be
In the same way as when using the screen to recall a
scene, you can make settings so that the recall occurs
directly, without displaying the popup window.