User Guide

Using automix
Operation section
Recording additional fader oper-
ations of other channels
Here’s how the previously-recorded automix can be
played back while you additionally record fader oper-
ations of other channels.
Locate the song to a point slightly earlier
than where you began recording automix.
In the AUTOMIX screen/Main page, make
sure that the AUTOMIX button is set to
ENABLE, and that in the OVERWRITE
area the FADER button is turned on.
Move the cursor to the REC button in the
lower right of the display, and press the
[ENTER] key.
Automix will be in record-ready mode.
Use the [SEL] keys to select the monitor
channels whose fader operations you want
to record.
For this example, choose monitor channels other
than those that you recorded earlier.
Be aware that if you accidentally select the same
channels as before, the fader operation events that
had been recorded on those channels will be erased.
Press the top panel PLAY [ ] key to play
back the song.
The REC button and PLAY button in the display
will turn on (highlighted), and automix recording
(and playback of the recorded events) will begin.
While listening to the song, operate the
faders that you selected in step 4.
When you are nished operating the fad-
ers, press the top panel STOP [ ] key to
stop the song.
A popup window will ask you whether you want
to update the recorded contents.
If you want to update the recorded con-
tents, move the cursor to the OK button
and press the [ENTER] key.
If you want to discard the recorded contents,
move the cursor to the CANCEL button and press
the [ENTER] key.