User Guide

Operation section
Checking the free space
on the internal hard disk
In order to execute the Mastering operation, the inter-
nal hard disk must have as much or more free space
as the data that will be written to the CD-R/RW
media. You can use the following procedure to check
the free space on the internal hard disk.
Load a 16 bit/44.1 kHz song as the current
If there is no such song on the hard disk, create a
new 16 bit/44.1 kHz song.
Press the REC TRACK SELECT [ST] key to
put the stereo track in record-ready mode.
Press the [METER] key [F2] key to display
the METER screen/Meter 2 page.
The REMAIN area in the upper part of the display
will indicate the remaining time that can be
recorded on the stereo track (hours/minutes). For
example if you want to create a 60-minute CD,
make sure that there is at least 60 minutes (1
hour) of time remaining.
If there is insufficient free area, try executing the
Song Optimize operation to delete unused audio
data. If there is still not enough free space, make a
backup of all songs, delete any virtual tracks that are
not assigned to the current tracks, and then execute
the Song Optimize operation. For details on the Song
Optimize operation, refer to “Chapter 10. Managing
Setting the mastering mode
The AW2816 allows you to perform a “writing test”
before actually the mastering data is actually written,
in order to check whether errors will occur during
data transfer. With the default settings of the AW2816,
the writing test is disabled, but you may change this
setting if desired.
Press the [UTILITY] key [F4] key.
The UTILITY screen/Prefer.3 page will appear.
If you want to perform a writing test before
the mastering operation, turn the TEST
button On and the WRITE button On in the
If you turn the TEST button On and the WRITE but-
ton Off, only the writing test will be performed,
without performing the mastering operation. It is
not possible to turn off both the TEST and the
WRITE buttons.
When using mastering for the first time, we recom-
mend that you turn the TEST button On to check
whether there are any problems with the hard disk
and whether the writing speed of the CD-RW drive
is set appropriately.