User Guide

Operation section
Using MTC to synchronize the AW2816 and
an external device
Here’s how MTC (MIDI Time Code) can be transmitted
from the AW2816’s MTC OUT connector to synchro-
nize the operation of the AW2816 and an external
MTC specifies the current time in units of hours: min-
utes: seconds: frames by converting time code into
MIDI messages. By transmitting MTC from the
AW2816 to an external device such as a computer or
MIDI sequencer, you can synchronize an external
device with the AW2816 song.
Use a MIDI cable to connect the AW2816s
MTC OUT connector to the MIDI IN con-
nector of the external device (in the case of
a computer, the MIDI IN connector of your
MIDI interface).
By changing the internal settings, you can cause MTC
messages to be output from the MIDI OUT/THRU
connector or TO HOST connector. However with this
method, MTC and the other MIDI messages will be
carried on the same cable, and timing precision will
not be as good. You should use the MTC OUT connec-
tor if possible.
Press the [MIDI] key [F1] key.
The MIDI screen/MIDI Setup 1 page will appear.
Move the cursor to the MASTER button in
the MTC SYNC area, and press the [ENTER]
When the MASTER button is on, the AW2816
will function as a MTC master (the device that
transmits MTC).
Press the [SONG] key [F2] key.
The SONG screen/Setting page will appear. In
this page you can select the frame rate of the
time code (the smallest unit of time code, indi-
cating the number of frames into which each sec-
ond is divided).
Move the cursor to the TIME CODE area, and
turn on one of the following four buttons to
select the frame rate.
24 button .....24 frames/second
25 button .....25 frames/second
30 button .....30 frames/second (30 non-drop
30D button ..29.97 frames/second (30 drop
With the default settings of the AW2816, 30
frames/second is selected.
The frame rate you select here affects not only syn-
chronization with external devices, but also affects
the time code displayed in the counter and elsewhere.
To display time code in the counter, move
the cursor to the TIME CODE button in the
DISPLAY area, and press the [ENTER] key.
Make settings on your external device so
that it will follow the MTC messages it
receives, and put it in playback-ready
At this time, verify that the external device is set
to use the same MTC frame rate as you selected
in step 4.