User Guide

Let’s record on the AW2816
Operation section
Patching input signals to
recorder inputs
When recording on the AW2816, you can either send
the signals of each input channel directly to the
recorder inputs (tracks), or send them via buses 1–8 to
the recorder inputs. In this example, we will change
the internal settings as shown in the following dia-
gram, so that the signals from the rhythm machine
(drum recording mics) connected to input channels 1/
2 are sent directly to the inputs of tracks 1/2.
If you want to mix multiple input channels and record
them on one or two tracks, it is convenient to route
them through buses 1–8 and send them to the
recorder tracks. This method of recording is explained
in chapter 14, “Mixing and recording multiple chan-
nels” (
Press the [PAN] key [F1] key.
The PAN/ROUTE screen Pan 1-8 page will
appear. In this page you can set the pan (or bal-
ance) of each channel, and assign it to buses.
Move the cursor to the ST button of input
channel 1, and press the [ENTER] key to
turn it off.
Now the input signal of input channels 1/2 will
no longer be sent to the stereo bus. In this exam-
ple, input channels 1/2 have been paired, so that
when you operated the ST button of input chan-
nel 1, input channel 2 followed the setting.
When the AW2816 is in the default state, input chan-
nels 1–8 are assigned to the stereo bus, and can be
monitored from the MONITOR OUT jacks/PHONES
jack. However in this example we want to send the
input signals directly to the recorder tracks and moni-
tor via the monitor channels for those tracks, and this
is why we defeated the assignment from the input
channels to the stereo bus.
Press the [PATCH] key [F1] key.
The PATCH screen Patch IN page will appear. In
this page you can select the signals that will be
assigned (patched) to the input of each channel
and to the inputs of the recorder.
Mixer section Recorder section
Track 1
Track 2
Input channel 1
Input channel 2
Mixer section
INPUT jack 1
INPUT jack 2
Stereo bus
Monitor channel 1
Monitor channel 2