User Guide

Lets record on the AW2816
Operation section
Press the INPUT [1-8] key [SEL] key 8.
On the AW2816, you specify the channel that
you want to operate by first selecting the mixing
layer in the MIXING LAYER section, and then
using a [SEL] key to select the desired channel.
(The [SEL] key of the selected channel will light.)
In the CH View page, the currently selected
channel is shown in the upper left of the display.
Move the cursor to the ST button in the
PAN/ROUT area, and press the [ENTER] key
to switch it off.
Now the input signal of input channel 8 will no
longer be sent to the stereo bus.
Press the [PATCH] key [F1] key.
The PATCH screen Patch IN page will appear.
Move the cursor to the RECORDER TRACK
INPUT ASSIGN area, and change the set-
ting of recorder input 3 to DIR 8.
Now the input signal of input channel 8 (bass)
will be sent directly to track 3.
Press the REC TRACK SELECT [3] key.
The REC TRACK SELECT [3] key will begin blink-
ing, and track 3 will be in record-ready mode.
Press the [METER] key.
The METER screen will appear. In the INPUT
MONITOR area, make sure that the AUTO but-
ton is turned on.
While playing the bass connected to INPUT
(HI-Z) jack 8, watch level meter 3.
The level of the signal sent to the input of track 3
will be displayed in level meter 3. If the level
meter reaches the OVER position, check whether
fader 8 (input level of input channel 8) is set