User Guide

Lets record on the AW2816
Operation section
G (Gain) knob
This knob sets the amount of boost/cut over a
range of -18.0 dB– +18 dB. When “HPF” is
selected for the LOW band EQ, or when “LPF” is
selected for the HIGH band EQ, this knob also
switches the filter on/off.
The LOW band EQ will change to “L.SHELF” (low
shelving) if the Q knob is turned fully clockwise, and
to “HPF” (high pass filter) if the Q knob is turned
fully counter-clockwise.
The HIGH band EQ will change to “H.SHELF” (high
shelving) if the Q knob is turned fully clockwise, and
to “LPF” (low pass filter) if the Q knob is turned
fully counter-clockwise.
With the default settings, “L.SHELF” is selected for
the LOW band, and “H.SHELF” is selected for the
HIGH band.
The signal level after passing through the EQ is shown
in the upper right of the display. If this meter reaches
the “OVER” position, use the ATT. knob located in the
upper left of the display to lower the level of the sig-
nal that is input to the EQ.
It is also possible to apply EQ to the signal of the
monitor channel instead of to the input channel. By
using this method, you can process only the signal
being monitored, without affecting the signal that is
recorded on the recorder.
The EQ library (special memory for storing EQ set-
tings) contains preset EQ settings (programs) suit-
able for many types of instruments, which you may
find convenient to use.
Applying the dynamics proces-
sor to the input signal
All channels of the AW2816 (except for return chan-
nels 1/2) provide a dynamics processor that can be
used as a compressor, limiter, or gate. This section
explains how to use the dynamics processor of the
input channel to process the bass sound before it is
recorded on the track.
Press the INPUT [1-8] key [SEL] key 8.
[SEL] key 8 will light, and input channel 8 will be
selected for operations.
Press the [DYN] key [F2] key.
The DYN/DLY screen Library page will appear. In
this page you can save dynamics processor set-
tings (programs) in a special memory area (the
dynamics library), or load previously-saved pro-
grams. Dynamics library numbers 001–040 con-
tain preset programs suitable for many types of
instruments, which you may find convenient to
Turn the [DATA/JOG] dial to scroll the list,
and select the program that you want to
The row enclosed by a dotted frame in the list is
the currently selected program. For this example,
let’s select a program named “E.B. Finger.