User Guide

Let’s record on the AW2816
Operation section
Mixing to the stereo track (Mixdown)
This section explains how to mix the signals recorded
on tracks 1–16 down to a stereo signal, use the inter-
nal effect processors to add effects, and record the
result on the stereo track.
Adjusting the mix balance
Here’s how to set the mix balance of the signals
recorded on tracks 1–16, and use the EQ and dynam-
ics processors to process the sounds.
Make sure that record-ready mode is
defeated for all tracks 116, and that the
REC TRACK SELECT [1][16] keys are dark.
Also make sure that the input channel 18
[ON] keys are all dark.
If necessary, you can mix down the input signals from
input channels 1–8 in addition to the signals of tracks
1–16. In this case, turn on the [ON] keys for the input
channels that you want to use.
Press the [PAN] key [F2] key.
The PAN/ROUTE screen Pan MONI page will
appear. In this page you can make pan settings
and bus assignments for monitor channels 1–16.
For monitor channels 116, turn on the ST
button and turn off the bus assign 18 but-
With these settings, the signals of monitor chan-
nels 1–16 will be sent to the stereo bus.
The input of the stereo track is always patched to the
output of the stereo output channel. For this reason,
sending the signals of monitor channels 1–16 to the
stereo bus allows them to be recorded via the stereo
output channel onto the stereo track.
Use the PAN knobs of monitor channels 1
16 to adjust the stereo position of each
Raise the STEREO fader to the 0 dB posi-
tion. Make sure that the [ON] keys and
STEREO [ON] keys of monitor channels 1
16 are lit.
Press the [METER] key.
The METER screen will appear.
Play back the song from the beginning,
and set the mix balance of the tracks.
To set the mix balance, operate the faders while
using the RECORDER [1-8] key and [9-16] key of
the MIXING LAYER section to switch mixing lay-
ers. If the output level of the stereo output chan-
nel (L/R) reaches OVER in the METER screen,
lower the STEREO fader.
If you want to use EQ to process a specic
track, press its [SEL] key to select the moni-
tor channel, and press the [EQ] key [F1]
The EQ screen EQ/Att page will appear. Edit the
EQ parameters (P.54).
If you want to use the dynamics processor
to process a specic track, press its [SEL]
key to select the monitor channel, and
press the [DYN] key [F2] key.
The DYN/DLY screen Library page will appear.
Load the desired dynamics program (P.55). To
edit the dynamics processor parameters, press
the [DYN] key [F1] key to display the DYN/
DLY screen Dyn.Edit page.