User Guide

Table of contents
Using the internal hard disk/
external storage devices
Other functions
Managing songs
Using automix
Scene memory operations
Editing tracks and virtual tracks
Transport/Locate operations
Using the internal effects
Input/output patching
Lets record on the AW2816
Welcome to the world of the AW2816
Parts and their functions
Before you begin
Editing the name of a scene ................ 130
Protecting a scene............................... 131
Changing the order of scenes ............. 132
Using automix .........133
About automix .................................... 133
What is automix?......................................133
What can be recorded in automix?...........133
How the automix is related to the song ....133
Creating a new automix...................... 134
Recording and playing an automix ..... 135
Recording fader operations in the automix135
Playing back the automix .........................136
Recording additional fader operations of other
Recording additional mix elements .... 138
Re-recording only part of the automix
(Punch-in/out) ................................... 139
Re-recording fader operations............ 141
Editing individual automix events....... 143
Storing an automix.............................. 145
Recalling an automix .......................... 146
Managing songs.....147
About songs ........................................ 147
What is a song?.........................................147
Song structure...........................................147
Song recording time..................................147
Saving the current song ...................... 148
Loading a song .................................... 149
Editing the song name/comment ........ 150
Protecting a song ................................ 151
Duplicating a song.............................. 152
Deleting an unwanted song ................ 153
Deleting unused audio data from a song
(Optimize) ......................................... 154
Importing mixer data from an existing song
.................... 155
Importing tracks from an existing song156
Using the internal hard
disk/external storage
devices ...................159
Formatting the internal hard disk ....... 159
Formatting an external drive .............. 160
Erasing CD-RW media ........................ 161
Backing up songs ................................ 162
Selecting the backup format for a removable
Executing the backup ...............................162
Restoring backup data ........................ 164
Tidying up the data of the internal hard disk
(Defrag) ............................................. 166
Writing a track to a WAV file
(Exporting a WAV file) ...................... 167
Cautions when writing to a WAV file .......167
Checking the free space on the internal hard
disk .........................................................167
Exporting tracks to WAV files ...................168
Exporting virtual tracks to WAV files ........171
Loading a WAV file into a track
(Importing a WAV file)...................... 172
Loading CD audio into a track
(CD-DA Import) ................................ 174
Enabling CD-DA loading..........................174
Loading CD-DA data and assigning it to a track
Playing an audio CD (CD Play)........... 177
About mastering ................................. 179
Stereo tracks that can be mastered..... 179
Media that can be used with the CD-RW
drive .................................................. 179
Track At Once and Disc At Once....... 180
Checking the free space on the internal
hard disk............................................ 181
Setting the mastering mode ................ 181
Executing mastering............................ 182
Finalizing a disc .................................. 185
MIDI....................... 187
What you can do using MIDI.............. 187
MIDI connectors and the TO HOST
connector .......................................... 188
Using the MIDI connectors to connect the
AW2816 to external devices ............. 189
Making connections .................................189
Enabling the MIDI IN connector and MIDI
OUT/THRU connector............................189
Using the TO HOST connector to connect
the AW2816 and your computer....... 190
Making connections .................................190
Enabling the TO HOST connector............190
Using MTC to synchronize the AW2816
and an external device....................... 192
Using MIDI clock to synchronize the
AW2816 and an external device ....... 194
Using MMC to control the AW2816... 196
Synchronizing two AW2816 units ...... 197
Remotely switching AW2816 scenes.. 200
Controlling AW2816 parameters from an
external device .................................. 202
Using control changes to operate parameters
Using system exclusive to operate parameters
Remotely controlling an external MIDI
device ................................................ 206
About the MIDI Remote function..............206
Using the default MIDI Remote settings....207
Assigning MIDI messages to faders...........208
Assigning MIDI messages to the [ON] keys
Sending the AW2816s internal settings via
MIDI (Bulk Dump)............................. 212
Other functions..... 215
Assigning a functions to the [CTRL] key +
function keys ..................................... 215
Making fine adjustments to the pitch of an
entire song (Vari-pitch)...................... 217
Saving channel settings (Channel Library)
.................... 218
Storing channel settings in a library ..........218
Recalling channel settings from a library ..219
Editing the title of a channel library ..........219
Saving equalizer settings (EQ Library) 220
Storing EQ settings in a library..................220
Recalling EQ settings from a library..........221
Editing the title of an EQ library................221
Storing dynamics processor settings
(Dynamics Library)............................ 222
Storing dynamics processor settings in a library
Recalling dynamics processor settings from a
Editing the title of a dynamics library........223
Copying attenuator settings to all channels
.................... 224
Copying delay time/phase settings to all
channels............................................. 225
Copying pan settings to all channels... 226
Copying fade times to all channels ..... 226
Dithering digital signals ...................... 227
Using the test tone oscillator .............. 228
Using the metronome ......................... 229
Mixing and recording multiple channels
Pingpong-recording multiple tracks to one
or two tracks...................................... 232