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The Default Routing of signals from DS2416 into VST
There are eight separate “lines” from the DS2416 card into Cubase VST. In VST,
these correspond to the four Audio Input pairs (see page 6). In the DSP Factory In-
put Console window, the default configuration uses the eight bus sends to route
signals from the audio card into VST (for recording). The following default routing
scheme is used:
This means that to record something through the DSP Factory into VST, you only
need to activate the appropriate Bus Sends for the desired DS Channels. From that
point, the recording procedure is the same as when you run Cubase VST with “stan-
dard” audio hardware.
Physical Inputs and Outputs
By default, the physical inputs and outputs of the DSP Factory system are con-
nected to the DS channels in the following way:
DS 2416 Bus Send VST Input
Bus 1 PCI Rec Out 1 (IN 1 L)
Bus 2 PCI Rec Out 2 (IN 1 R)
Bus 3 PCI Rec Out 3 (IN 2 L)
Bus 4 PCI Rec Out 4 (IN 2 R)
Bus 5 PCI Rec Out 5 (IN 3 L)
Bus 6 PCI Rec Out 6 (IN 3 R)
Bus 7 PCI Rec Out 7 (IN 4 L)
Bus 8 PCI Rec Out 8 (IN 4 R)
Physical Input DS Channel
DS2416 Analog In Left 17
DS2416 Analog In Right 18
DS2416 Digital In Left 19
DS2416 Digital In Right 20