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About the FX Return Channels
The channels labeled “1” - “4” to the right in the Input Console window, are by de-
fault used as stereo effect returns for the on-board effect units. FX Return channels
1 and 2 control the return level from FX Unit 1, and FX Return channels 3 and 4 con-
trol the return level from FX Unit 2. The FX Return channels differ from the regular
channels in the following ways:
There are no Solo buttons for the FX Return channels.
The two channel pairs (1-2 and 3-4) are stereo linked by default.
Aux Sends 5 and 6 (the sends to the on-board effects) are disabled for the FX Return
channels, to prevent feedback.
Bus On/Off buttons Use these to turn the Bus sends on or off for the channel. These buttons
are “mirrored” in the Bus Send panel in the Upper display.
Stereo Mix on/off
This switch determines whether the channel is connected to the Stereo
Mix (the master fader to the right on the Input Console panel) or not. You
may want to deactivate this for channels which you have routed to sepa-
rate outputs, using the Bus or Aux Sends. The switch is duplicated in the
Bus Send panel in the Upper display.
Aux Send On/Off
Use these to turn the Aux sends on or off for the channel. These buttons
are “mirrored” in the Aux Send panel in the Upper display.
Control Explanation