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Selecting High/Low Pass or Shelving EQ types
Normally, all four EQ bands are of the regular full parametric type, but you can
switch the High and Low bands to Shelving or High/Low Pass Filter mode:
To select High/Low Shelving mode for the High or Low EQ band, turn the Q knob fully
to the right.
To select High/Low Pass Filter mode for the High or Low EQ band, turn the Q knob fully
to the left.
This converts the High EQ band to a Low Pass Filter and the Low EQ band to a High Pass Fil-
ter. In this mode, the Gain (G) setting is disabled.
Dynamics Mode
When Dynamics Mode is selected for the Upper Display, you have access to a com-
plete multi-mode Dynamics processor for the channel. You use the Type pop-up
menu (right above the “Parameters” label) to select which type of dynamics pro-
cessing to use:
Type Description
Comp A compressor, attenuating signals above a specified threshold level.
Gate Mutes signals below a specified threshold level.
Ducking Attenuates the signal when the level exceeds a specified threshold. Normally, the
signal used for level detection (the Key In signal - see below) is another than the
processed signal. For example, a common use for ducking would be voice-overs,
when the background music level should be reduced each time the announcer
Expand An expander, attenuating signals below a specified threshold level, thus reducing
low-level noise and effectively increasing the dynamic range.
(H or S)
A combination of compressor, expander and limiter: The compressor compresses
signals that exceed a specified threshold level, while the expander attenuates sig-
nals below a level determined by the threshold level and the Width setting. The
limiter prevents the signal from exceeding 0 dB.
The two compander types (H and S, for Hard and Soft) have different expansion ra-
tios; CompandH will attenuate low level signals more drastically than CompandS.