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In the lower half of the Dynamics panel, you will find the actual controls:
Parameter Description
Threshold Determines the threshold level at which the dynamics processor is “trig-
gered”. Whether signal levels above or below this level will trigger the pro-
cessing, depends on the selected dynamics type.
Ratio (Comp, Expander and Compander types only). Determines the amount of
compression/expansion. For the Compander types, this determines the com-
pression, while the expansion ratio is fixed.
Attack This determines how soon the signal is affected (compressed, gated, ex-
panded, etc) once the dynamics processor has been triggered.
Release (Comp, Expander and Compander types only). Determines how soon the dy-
namics processor returns to normal gain once the signal level goes back be-
low/above the threshold level.
Gain / MGain (Comp, Expander and Compander types only). Sets the output signal level.
Use this to compensate for overall level changes caused by the dynamics pro-
Knee (Comp and Expander types only). Determines how compression/expansion is
applied at the threshold point. “Hard knee” means that the specified com-
pression/expansion ratio is applied as soon as the threshold level is reached,
while the five “Soft knee” settings applies the compression/expansion gradu-
ally for a more natural sound.
Range (Gate and Ducking types only). Determines the amount of attenuation when
the processing is triggered, with lower values resulting in more attenuation. If
you want the Gate/Ducker to mute the signal completely when triggered, set
this parameter to its lowest value (-70 dB).
Hold (Gate and Ducking types only). Determines how long the gate stays open (or
how long the ducking effect remains active) once the trigger signal has fallen
below the threshold level.
Decay (Gate and Ducking types only). Determines how fast the gate is closed (or,
with Ducking, how fast the gain returns to normal) after the Hold time.
Width (Compander types only). This determines how far below the threshold level
expansion is applied to the signal. If the Threshold level is -10 dB and the
Width is set to 20 dB, expansion will be applied to signals with levels below -
30 dB (20 dB below threshold).
Reduction Meter This meter indicates the dynamic gain reduction.