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About the Yamaha DSP Factory
The Yamaha DSP Factory is an audio hardware system for professional digital multi-
track recording and mixing on personal computers. The core of this system is the
DS2416 Digital Mixing Card, a PCI-bus audio card with professional specifications,
extensive mixing capabilities and on-board EQ, dynamics and effects. It is possible
to install and digitally connect two DS2416 cards in one computer. Each card can
also be used with one or two optional AX44 Audio Expansion Units (each providing
four additional analog inputs and outputs) and/or an AX16-AT Audio Expansion
Card (providing 16 digital inputs and outputs, in the form of two pairs of ADAT op-
tical connectors).
This manual assumes that you have at least one DS2416 installed, tested and run-
ning under MacOS.
For information about how to install, test and troubleshoot the DS2416, please refer to
the documentation supplied with the card. There you will also find detailed informa-
tion about audio hardware specifications and features.
The DSP Factory in Cubase VST
By using the DSP Factory in conjunction with Cubase VST, you get a complete
graphical interface with full control over the card’s features. The DS2416 audio card
will behave like an external digital mixer, feeding digital signals into VST’s inputs
and accepting digital signals from VST’s output buses. All controls can be auto-
mated in the same way as with VST’s internal Channel Mixer.
The Cubase VST/DSP Factory combination allows you to:
Record and play back using multiple inputs and outputs.
By itself, the DS2416 provides four inputs and outputs (two analog and two digital). Each
AX44 unit adds four analog inputs and outputs, while an AX16-AT card adds 16 digital inputs
and outputs (ADAT-format connectors).
Use the DS2416 EQ, dynamics and effects for separate VST channels or for combina-
tions of channels.
Route DSP Factory outputs to external effects, accessible from the VST effect sends.
Synchronize audio playback to external word clock.