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Recording with Effects
If you like to add effects to the signal you are recording, proceed as follows:
1. Set up the controls as described above (for mono or stereo recording).
2. Activate Aux Sends 5 and/or 6 for the input channel(s), and set their send level knobs
to medium values.
If you want the sends to be Post fader, activate the Post buttons for the sends.
3. Make sure the FX Return channels are not muted or have their levels turned down.
4. Open the FX Editor window.
A quick way to open this window is to click the FX Show button in the Input Console.
5. Play the input source, select effects and make adjustments until you get the desired
The adjustments may include changing the send levels, FX parameter settings, return levels
and even EQ or Dynamics on the FX Return channels.
6. Activate the Bus Sends for the FX Return channels, and set them up in the same way as
the input channels.
Now, the effect sound will be sent into VST along with the “dry” sound. Note that you may
have to lower the recording level in the Bus/Aux Console to avoid clipping.
7. Record as usual.