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The Buses, Aux Sends and Stereo Mix on the Slave card will receive the signals from the cor-
responding buses on the Master card, and the signals will be summed. In the opposite direc-
tion, only Aux Send 3/4 from the Slave card will be connected to the Master card’s Aux bus.
This makes it possible to access all four FX units from all channels, as described below.
Due to this routing, it is not possible to record on all sixteen channels simply by using the
buses. Instead you would need to route the eight Buses on the Slave card to VST Inputs 1 to
8, and route the Aux Sends and Stereo Mix on the Master card to Inputs 9 to 16.
When you have two DS2416 cards installed, the Aux 3-4 Sends will automatically be
routed to the FX Unit on the Master card. All DS channels (regardless of which card
they “belong to”) can access all four FX units.
In the FX Editor, there will be four options on the “FX Unit” pop-up menu, labelled
FX Unit 1 to 4. Aux Sends 5 and 6 are routed to FX Unit 1 and 2 (as with one card),
while Aux Sends 3 and 4 are routed to FX Unit 3 and 4.
Do not route the FX Return channels to Aux Send 3-4 - this may cause a feedback loop.
Combining a DS2416 with a SW1000XG Card
If you have a Yamaha SW1000XG sound card installed, you can connect it to the
DS2416 card using the SI/SO (Serial In/Out) connections on the cards.
Use the supplied serial cable to connect the SO output on the SW1000XG to the SI input
on the DS2416.
Follow the instructions in the documentation included with the cards.
In the Output Patchbay window, select the “ext. SI” option in the Word clock section.
This will cause the DS2416 card to receive word clock from the SW1000XG card, ensuring sta-
ble synchronization.
Having connected the two cards, you will be able to receive 8 separate audio chan-
nels from the SW1000XG and mix them in the DS mixer. These 8 channels appear as
the “SUB 1-8” input sources, selectable using the Input pop-up menus for DS chan-
nels 9 to 16, or 17 to 24 (see page 29).