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Routing Audio between VST and the DSP Factory
Audio routing with the DSP Factory is extremely flexible, allowing you to connect
channels, aux sends and buses to various physical outputs and inputs. This is done
in the special DSP Factory windows, as described on page 29. However, first you
need to “connect” VST to the DSP Factory:
Activating Inputs
1. Pull down the Panels menu and select VST Inputs.
The VST Inputs window appears. There are four Input pairs for each installed DS2416 card.
2. Activate the Input pairs by clicking on the green buttons in the Active column.
3. If you like, rename the eight inputs by clicking in the Label column and typing in new
The names you specify will be shown on the Input pop-up menus in VST.
4. Click in the close box to close the Inputs window.
You have now “told” Cubase VST to accept the digital signals from the DS2416 card
as input sources.