
Desktop Audio Systems
Desktop Audio System
Upright multimedia sound system with iPod/iPhone digital
connection, “Touch Smart” control and IntelliAlarm.
Thin, upright design for easy placement
Simple, clean styling with three colour choices
Digital connection for iPod/iPhone
iPod/iPhone iTunes sync and charging
Intuitive “Touch Smart” control
Digital enhancement: Music Enhancer and Extended Stereo
15 W x 2 power, 3-band parametric equaliser
CD player and 5-station preset FM tuner
USB port on top panel
Dimensions (WxHxD):399x181x137mm•Weight:3.2kg
Brick Grey Black
The three “Touch Smart” knobs make operation quick and easy. Just
give them a twist to select the source, adjust the volume and
choose a preset station. In EQ mode, they shift to low, mid and
high range controls so you can achieve exactly the sound you
want. The display switches to EQ mode as well.
Sync and charge your iPod/iPhone in the
TSX-140. Connect the TSX-140 to your
computer via a USB cable.
“Touch Smart” Control iPod/iPhone iTunes Sync and Charging
iPhone not included
Desktop Audio Systems