Operation Manual

Scooters are fascinating vehicles, which can give you an unsurpassed feeling of power and freedom.
However, they also impose certain limits, which you must accept; even the best scooter does not
ignore the laws of physics.
Regular care and maintenance are essential for preserving your scooter’s value and operating condi-
tion. Moreover, what is true for the scooter is also true for the rider: good performance depends on
being in good shape. Riding under the influence of medication, drugs and alcohol is, of course, out of
the question. Scooter riders - more than car drivers - must always be at their mental and physical
best. Under the influence of even small amounts of alcohol, there is a tendency to take dangerous
Protective clothing is as essential for the scooter rider as seat belts are for car drivers and passen-
gers. Always wear a complete motorcycle suit (whether made of leather or tear-resistant synthetic
materials with protectors), sturdy boots, motorcycle gloves and a properly fitting helmet. Optimum
protective wear, however, should not encourage carelessness. Though full-coverage helmets and
suits, in particular, create an illusion of total safety and protection, motorcyclists will always be vul-
nerable. Riders who lack critical self-control run the risk of going too fast and are apt to take chances.
This is even more dangerous in wet weather. The good motorcyclist rides safely, predictably and
defensively - avoiding all dangers, including those caused by others.
Enjoy your ride!
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