Owners Manual

CD jacks
These are RCA input jacks. If the INPUT selector is set
to CD, signals at these jacks will be the input source.
Connect your CD player here.
LINE 1 jacks
These are RCA input jacks. If the INPUT selector is set
to LINE 1, signals at these jacks will be the input source.
LINE 2 IN jacks
These are RCA input jacks. If the INPUT selector is set
to LINE 2, these jacks will be the input source.
LINE 2 OUT (recording) jacks
These are RCA input jacks for recording. These jacks
normally output the input source signals selected via the
front panel or remote control. For information on the
connection procedure, refer to “Connecting a recording
component” (page 22).
• Connect the LINE 2 IN jacks and LINE 2 OUT (recording)
jacks to the same component.
• The LINE 2 OUT (recording) jacks will not output any
signals if the INPUT selector is set to LINE 2 or the EXT.
DIRECT switch is pressed.
EXT.IN jacks
These jacks feature XLR-type input jacks and RCA
input jacks. If the EXT. DIRECT switch is pressed,
signals at these jacks will be the input source. Connect
your preamplier here. For more information, refer to
“Connecting another preamplier” (page 23).
You cannot adjust the volume level of the signals input at
the EXT. IN jacks. Therefore, be sure to connect to the EXT.
IN jacks a component that features a volume control.
Rear panel