Technical information

Chapter 6: Band-in-a-Box PowerGuide
The Jukebox
The Jukebox will load and play an entire subdirectory (folder) of songs. Songs play
continuously, one after the other. The Jukebox will continue to play while you move
to other Windows programs, providing continuous background music.
Click the [Juke] button to open the Options for Juke Box dialog.
Jukebox Options
Only Play song with melodies: If set to YES, the program plays only songs with melodies, that is, songs with an
.MG? file extension. If NO, the Jukebox will include ALL songs in the subdirectory.
Change Melody instrument: If you set this option to “Yes,” then the program will randomly change the melody
instrument among your favorite 10 Melody instruments.
Random order Playback: If set to “Yes,” the songs will be played in random order (though not repeating a song).
If set to “No,” the songs will be played in the order they are listed in the subdirectory.
Hide Titles (until title clicked): This feature is used to play the “Guess the Song” game. When set to “Yes,” the
titles are hidden till you click the title box.
Audible Count-in Click: While listening to the Jukebox, you might not want to hear the Count-in Click. If set to
“No” you won't hear the count-in click.
Harmony Settings: Set the change harmony box to true/enabled if you would like harmonies to be randomly
assigned within a given range for use with the Melody and Soloist/Thru tracks (if applicable to the song).