Technical information

Chapter 7: Notation and Printing
Editing a note's values.
Right click on a note. This brings up the Note edit dialog box that lets you change any values about the note in
numerical data.
In the Note edit dialog box, you can manually change the characteristics of a note by entering the exact values you
wish for any given note. For example, you can change the Velocity and Duration by increments of 1 tick, as well as
the note's pitch and relative positioning in the bar.
To select a region of the Notation you can Shift+click on the end point to easily select a large area.
- Select a small region by dragging the mouse.*
- Enlarge the region by Shift-clicking on the end point.
*Note: Shift-click is also used to enter a sharp (#) note, so the selection via Shift-click requires that a small region be
already selected.