Technical information

Chapter 7: Notation and Printing
Load notation layout w/songs
When this box is checked your Notation Option settings will be saved with the song and restored the next time you
load the song.
Show Key Signature
If turned off, you won't have the key signature box displayed on the Notation Screen. This will save some space on
the screen.
Show Bar/Beat Lines
This setting is for the Note roll mode only. When turned off (unchecked) only the staff lines will show, helpful for
editing note Duration and Velocity lines.
Guitar Chord Diagrams
These are available on the notation, lead sheet, or printout for Folk, Pop, and Jazz voicings. There is an option to
show the fret numbers on the diagrams.
Show Note Durations
A Note Roll mode setting to show or hide the horizontal Duration lines.
Duration Line Color (Green /Blue)
There are two color choices for the Duration lines, green and blue.
Snap To Grid Lines
If the Snap To Grid Lines checkbox is checked, the inserted note will be lined up with the closest grid line. This is
similar to the way a graphics or typesetting program aligns elements accurately on a page. This means that you
don't have to click exactly on the beat to have the note inserted precisely on the beat.
Scroll Ahead
The notation window can be set to scroll 1 or 2 bars ahead of the music without interfering with your view of the
current notation. To enable this feature, select the number of bars you wish to scroll-ahead in the Notation Window
Options (1 or 2). Select zero bars to disable this feature. When the notation scroll-ahead feature is enabled, the
lyrics will also scroll ahead.
Highlight playback notes in Red
Good sight-readers who like to read ahead can use this option to disable the highlighting of notes in red as the song
is playing so it won't be distracting.
Note Colors
Colored notes will appear in color for printout on color printers or when saved in a color graphics file.
Notation can display notes in
different colors based on absolute
note names or relative to chord or
key. The default color scheme is one
that was introduced by the Russian
composer Alexander Scriabin (1872-
1915). When a scheme is chosen, it
can be edited by selecting the [Edit]
Pressing the [Edit] button launches the Note Color Editor dialog.
Change the colors by clicking on the color above the note name.
Pressing the [OK-Save] button will close the dialog and save the file as c:\bb\default.NCL.
You can also save/load different NCL files for different color sets.