Technical information

Chapter 7: Notation and Printing
Note Names
There is an option to display note names in the center of the note head. You can display absolute note names (A, Bb
etc.) or you can display numbers relative to the key or the current chord. This is helpful for learning to read music.
Combined with the ability to display large font sizes, this achieves the big note look common to “EZ-2-Play” music
Channel numbers are also displayable on the notation. When editing notes, it is often
helpful to see the channel number of each note. By setting Note Names to “Channel
Numbers” you'll see the channel number for each note written into the note head of the
notes. This is useful (for example) when viewing an entire MIDI file that you've loaded
onto the Melody track, and want to examine the channel information, or for editing a guitar
track that uses channels 11 to 16.
Show Velocity Lines
This is a Note roll mode setting to show or hide the vertical Velocity lines. Line color is determined by the Duration
Line Color setting.
Use chord scale for enharmonics
The sharps and flats in Band-in-a-Box notation are context sensitive to the chord names. For example, if you are in
the key of Eb, and the chord is E7, a G# note will show up as G#, and not Ab. This means that the notation
accidentals will automatically show up correctly.