Technical information

Chapter 7: Notation and Printing
Jazz Chord Symbol Graphics (circles, triangles)
Jazz and Pop music often use certain non-alphabetic symbols for chord types. These include a delta (triangle) for
major chords, a circle for diminished, and a circle with a slash for half-diminished. Also, tensions like b9 and b13
are stacked vertically and contained in brackets. You can now select this option, and see these symbols for
display/printout on the Chord Sheet, Notation, and Lead Sheet windows.
The Jazz Chord Symbol Graphics can be displayed independently on the Chordsheet and the Notation or Lead Sheet
To get the Jazz Chord Symbol Graphics on the Chordsheet, choose Opt. | Preferences | Display Options and set
“Chordsheet Font” to “Jazz Chord Symbols.”
You’ll then see a chord sheet like this.
To see the Jazz Chord Symbol Graphics on the Notation/Lead Sheet printout, set the Notation
Options. The Notation will then look like this.
The Lyrics and Text fonts appear in the Notation window, the Lead Sheet, and the printout. The Title font is used
for the Titles, Composer, and Styles names that appear on the Lead Sheet window and printout. You can choose
from selected fonts, or use the “Other…” selection to use any font. For example, you could use PG Jazz Text
Extended (PGTextje) for a jazzy look.
Note: PG Music notation and text fonts are installed automatically by the program in your Windows | System directory.