Technical information

Chapter 7: Notation and Printing
Chord Vertical Position
This controls how high the chords will be written above the staff. If set to = 5 the chords will be written 5 notes
above the top of the staff. If your piece contains a lot of high notes, then set the chord position to a high setting.
Lyric Position
You can adjust the height of the lyrics by setting the lyric height (smaller values like –8 are higher on the notation).
Display Font Size %
To select the notation font size for display, enter the Display Font Size as a percentage, either more or less than
100%. The same setting is available in the Lead Sheet window and the Print dialog.
Transpose Options
These preset transpose settings for non-concert instruments like brass and
woodwinds will auto-select the correct transpose settings and clef split points
for the instrument. For example, Trumpet +2 will write the music up 2
semitones, and the split point will be adjusted to display the music in treble
Guitar and bass settings are also included.
The Transpose setting lets you manually adjust the Notation window to display notes either higher or lower than
their actual pitches.
Clefs split at
Determines the split point for placing notes on the Bass or Treble clef. The default setting is C5, middle C. Use a
higher split point, such as C6, if you want notes up to a G above middle C written on the bass clef with ledger lines.
Max Ledger Lines
You can specify an upper limit of a note range so that high notes won't result in an excessive number of ledger lines.
The default is 6, which would show a maximum of 6 ledger lines above the treble clef staff.
Notation Settings
Tick Offset
Lets you display the music ahead or behind the beat. A setting from 1 to 120 to have the music displayed forward in
time, a setting from -1 to -120 will cause the music to be displayed ahead of the beat. 120 ticks equal one quarter
Minimize Rests
When checked, Band-in-a-Box will eliminate unnecessary rests. For example, if staccato eighth notes are displayed
as sixteenth notes separated by sixteenth rests the setting will remove the rests and show the notes as eighth notes.
Detect Fine Resolution Notation
Improved auto-transcription identifies and correctly displays up to 128th notes. To set a beat to a certain specific
resolution right mouse-click on the Time Line located at the top of the Notation window. You'll then see a Beat
Resolution dialog where you can set the resolution for both the Treble and Bass clefs.