Technical information

Chapter 7: Notation and Printing
Selecting Parts in the Lead Sheet
Clicking on the track selection toolbar will select a different track. The track names
are [B]ass, [D]rums, [P]iano, [G]uitar, [S]trings, [M]elody, and [S]oloist.
To view multiple parts click on the button for the top part you want to view, and then hold down the Ctrl key and
click on the other parts you want to view in the order you want to see them, from top to bottom. You will then see a
group of tracks, displaying in the order that you have requested them. To revert to a single track of notation, simply
click on a track without holding the [Ctrl] key down.
There is an option in the Lead Sheet Options dialog to allow you to
display the chords above each track, or just the top track of the notation.
If you press [Print] from the Lead Sheet window you will be able to print out the multiple tracks of notation.
Lead Sheet Options Dialog
Pressing the [Opt.] button launches the Lead Sheet Options dialog.
The settings in this dialog are applicable to the Lead Sheet window only. If you want to set options that are shared
by the Lead Sheet window and the Notation window, press the [Notation Options…] button.